Here are some of my favorite products for Lyme treatment.

I get a percentage of purchases made from these links via amazon affiliates, but it doesn't bias my recommendations because I still can recommend anything I think is good!

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Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Reverse Therapy Book

M.E., Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia - The Reverse Therapy Approach

Reading this book was a big turning point for me.

While I am usually annoyed by behavioral approaches to fatigue, this book made so much sense to me and confirmed what I'd felt in my body and intuition all along!

And it also explained the behavioral approaches I'd been averse to could be counterproductive (it was nice to have my intuition validated)!

I think this guy is really onto something.

This book presents a very simple, side-effect-free protocol you can apply yourself, that many people have found helps them to get much better from fatigue and pain conditions, which, if not the entirety of Lyme, can be a big part of it.

It felt great finally to have a book telling me to do exactly what I'd wanted to do all along, that I'd intuited would help me get better, but which I thought "wouldn't look good" or wasn't what I was supposed to do.

If you've ever noticed that you can do more when it's something you WANT to do, this book is for you!

Another thing that's amazing about this approach is that it's purported to help you produce more growth hormone naturally (and some users report actual changes in their GH levels as confirmed by tests!). Most people with chronic Lyme and CFS are thought have low growth hormone levels, and this can be a hindrance to recovery (not to mention it makes life kinda blah!).

Doing the sorts of behaviors this book recommends sure feels like it improves endocrine functioning (particularly the HPA axis).

I'm really benefiting from applying the skills and perspective I learned from this book. I highly recommend it!

Rechargeable LED Candles

Rechargeable LED Candles

Omg I love these!

I use them all the time. They create such an atmosphere of relaxation and comfort.

Make the house feel so cozy or spa-like, which is good for getting the parasympathetic nervous system working.

They are very simple to charge up, they look natural enough, and the charge lasts a long time. Even a Lymie can operate them.

You'd be surprised at the relaxing effect that candles can have. Even helps me and my boyfriend to get along better. When we are going to have a special night together we "turn all the candles on."

If he's going to get home after I've gone to bed, I leave a candle on by the door to show him I was thinking about him.

Also, if I need a small light at night to find the bathroom or read something when I'm going to bed, I use a candle and feel all "old school," carrying around a candle for light! So much fun.

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Faultless Goodhealth Premium Fountain Style Douche & Enema System Latex Free

Faultless Goodhealth Premium Fountain Style Douche & Enema Systemlatex Free, 1-count

Heh heh. Lymies love coffee enemas because they help us feel SO much better!

This enema bag has an advantage over low volume bulbs, in that it introduces fluids in a slow, gentle stream. Haha actually feels really nice. It also can accommodate a large volume of fluid.

Another benefit of this bag is that you can use things like barley grass water, which you can't use with a small enema bulb, since you can clean out the bag easily (with GSE, H202, Dr. Bronner's, etc. and make sure you hang it to dry completely to avoid mold).

I really enjoyed using this. I have to say it did develop a leak after about five months, but I think I got a good $10 out of it. I think it's good to replace them every few months anyway.

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Waring JEX328 Health Juice Extractor (juicer)

Waring JEX328 Health Juice Extractor

Before getting a $200+ juicer, I wanted to try out juicing and see whether it would benefit me and whether I would do it often enough to justify a better juicer.

This juicer was a great starter juicer. I used it almost every day, sometimes several times a day, for about six months.

When I first started juicing, I had about four days of detoxing, and then my eyes became so clear and healthy-looking, and I felt like I had really turned the corner and would be getting better.

Good things to juice: celery, carrots, parsley, green apples (not too many), beets (just small parts, can cause liver dump and have lots of sugar), lettuce, greens, asparagus, organic lemons, etc.

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Bone Building Body Shaping Workout: Strength Health Beauty In Just 16 Minutes A Day!

Bone Building Body Shaping Workout: Strength Health Beauty In Just 16 Minutes A Day

Easy workout to do at home with minimal weights. Good for bone density and keeping/building some muscles during treatment.

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Recovery from CFS: 50 Personal Stories

Recovery from CFS: 50 Personal Stories

Reading this was a major turning point for me.

It really helped me to get my ducks together for starting a period of accelerated healing progress.

Very inspirational book! Helps you to get into the mindset of beating your health condition and envisioning healing. Has some great ideas that might help for Lyme too, not just CFS.

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Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?

Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?

Have my feet on an Earthing mat as I write this.

Earthing has made a huge difference for me, in terms of:
-reducing Lyme and coinfections
-better sleep (fall asleep more easily and feel more rested)!
-decreased pain
-feeling calmer

This book was what got me started. I remember reading in a park with my feet on bare ground as the book recommended. It's good to get the background to Earthing and to learn why it works, and this book is great for that.

If you want to get Earthing products, I recommend the Radiant Life company, since they offer free shipping on Earthing products.

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Medelco Stainless Steel Coffee Filter

Medelco #4 Cone Permanent Coffee Filter

Perfect for filtering coffee for coffee enemas. It's best to use a stainless steel filter, which doesn't introduce the chemicals or mess of paper filters.

Easy to clean and feels kinda cool on your fingers.

Fits perfectly over the juice catchment cup from the Waring JEX 328 juicer! I use these together.

This filter also can be used to strain homemade yogurt and kefir.

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