Here are some of my favorite products for Lyme treatment.

I get a percentage of purchases made from these links via amazon affiliates, but it doesn't bias my recommendations because I still can recommend anything I think is good!

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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Faultless Goodhealth Premium Fountain Style Douche & Enema System Latex Free

Faultless Goodhealth Premium Fountain Style Douche & Enema Systemlatex Free, 1-count

Heh heh. Lymies love coffee enemas because they help us feel SO much better!

This enema bag has an advantage over low volume bulbs, in that it introduces fluids in a slow, gentle stream. Haha actually feels really nice. It also can accommodate a large volume of fluid.

Another benefit of this bag is that you can use things like barley grass water, which you can't use with a small enema bulb, since you can clean out the bag easily (with GSE, H202, Dr. Bronner's, etc. and make sure you hang it to dry completely to avoid mold).

I really enjoyed using this. I have to say it did develop a leak after about five months, but I think I got a good $10 out of it. I think it's good to replace them every few months anyway.

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