Here are some of my favorite products for Lyme treatment.

I get a percentage of purchases made from these links via amazon affiliates, but it doesn't bias my recommendations because I still can recommend anything I think is good!

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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?

Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?

Have my feet on an Earthing mat as I write this.

Earthing has made a huge difference for me, in terms of:
-reducing Lyme and coinfections
-better sleep (fall asleep more easily and feel more rested)!
-decreased pain
-feeling calmer

This book was what got me started. I remember reading in a park with my feet on bare ground as the book recommended. It's good to get the background to Earthing and to learn why it works, and this book is great for that.

If you want to get Earthing products, I recommend the Radiant Life company, since they offer free shipping on Earthing products.

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